Sunday, August 5, 2007

After Party Dessert

My granddaughter's 1st birthday party was yesterday. We had about 40 guests and about 1/2 doz children under 6. There was lots of food, fun and yes, even a Sponge Bob Jumper for the kids. But now, the day after we are all tuckered out and I can't wait to get back to my knitting.

I tried the Berna's Torchon Lace pattern I found on the web for the Pi Shawl border, but found it too difficult to do. I am relatively new at applying a lace border and felt that I needed to find an easier pattern as my first attempt. I tried the "Lace Pattern for Border" which was on page 82 of the Knitter's Almanac. You can see the results on the right side of the swatch below. This was an extremely easy pattern, but I didn't like how it draped. It did not seem semetrical like the shawl pattern. I found another I liked better called the Zig Zag Edging in the book "The Knitter's Bible" by Claire Crompton. By great co-incidence this divides evenly into the 576 stitches left on the needle. It is a 16 row pattern, which makes 36 motifs. This pattern you can see on the left side. I read somewhere that I can attach it as I go by taking one shawl body stitch and knitting it together with the first stitch of the border row.

I am looking forward to the 6hr drive to our vacation. There will be lot of time for knitting.

We are planning on visiting the very first yarn store that taught me to spin on a spindle. Little did I know this small act of kindness and generosity to teach a customer a skill, would lead to a growing obsession. More on this the next time.

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