I’ve been slightly obsessed with felting Fuzzy Feet and other things. I’ve received so many complements on the slippers I’ve made that are so easy to make. The fuzzy feet pattern from Knitty.com is just like making a sock on Size 10.5 needles. They seem to knit up fast. Where socks knitted on Size 2 needles can frustrate and bore me to no end, these seem the opposite. I can make a pair in about 2-3 days.
Now that Christmas is over, I can again make some things for me. I started some fuzzy feet slippers for me in Red, my favorite color, at this time. Red is so bright and alive and lovely. A very warm and passionate color. After knitting these up I perused some of my felting pattern books. In the book Felted Knits by Beverly Galeskas, I found a pattern for an oven mitt. It calls for Bulky weight yarn. I had some blue and red Patons Classic Wool (worsted weight) left over so I doubled it and knitted up a mitt.
After I put them into the machine to felt, they came out great.
My sister-in-law has been staying with us over the holidays and I asked her if she wanted me to make her some. She wanted a baby blue color. I made a trip to Michaels to get some yarn, but to my dismay, they didn’t have the color I wanted. They did, however, have some off white, so I decided to buy 2 skeins and dye it myself. I used some Createx liquid dye, mixing Blue Marine with Turquiose, in the immersion pot, and came out with the perfect color I wanted.
This year, I am making a commitment to using up my stash and reduce my UFO’s (unfinished objects). My New Years resolution is to either reduce my 20+ UFO’s to half in the next 2008 year. I am either going to finish them or frog them. This will be very hard for me, as I tend to get very sentimental and attached to some. It’s hard to think about all the work one puts into a project, just to rip it all out. I suppose as I’ve gotten older, I am realizing that life is just too short and I need to start “cleaning house” and make my life simpler.
Priority UFO’s to Finish
Walter’s Blue Cardigan
Branching out scarf
Crocheted Mocha Roca
Adult Surprise Jacket
UFO’s to Finish
Started % Completed Name of Project
Apr 06 80% Tropical Acrylic Shrug
Feb 06 60% Blueberry Ice wrap baby sweater
Feb 06 60% Yellow Baby Blanket
Mar 06 90% Crayon colored stripe sweater set
Pre-2000 50% Rasperry Fair Isle Mittens
Pre-2000 99% Robby’s Piano Socks
Jun 05 60% Natural Wool striped scarf
Pre-2000 99% Off White Aran Afghan
Dec 05 40% Knit Picks Multicolored FairIsle Vest
Jun 07 60% Lace Anklet
Think about frogging
Jan 06 40% Red Chenile Capelet
Pre-2000 50% White Cotton Sampler Vest
Pre-2000 80% Mohair Scarf
June 05 50% Black/Multi color Handspun sweater
(I can’t even remember what this looks like??)
Jun 05 25% Philosopher’s Technique Fair Isle Sweater
June 05 75% Cotton Flag sweater (Would probably bleed after the first wash anyway)
June 05 50% Blue Cotton crochet vest
Fall 05 50% Color Fair Isle Wool sock (?) Second sock syndrome
Pre-2000 50% Diamonds Woman’s sweater
Pre-2000 75 % Bulky Vest
July 07 10% Handspun Tencel Dog Paw’s Shawl
Oct 2007 30% Dad’s tofusies socks
Think about giving away to someone who can sew it up together or finish
Pre-2000 80% Baby Granny Square Blanket
Wow! I’ve already reduced the number of projects in half, at least in paper only, the real work will be much more difficult emotionally.
A frogging will I go…..A frogging will I go…Hi Ho the merry-oooh…a frogging will I go. ; D