Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

The last day of the year…December 31, 2008. Wow! Where did it go? As the new year approaches, it gives me some pause to think about how and what I’ve done this year.

What better place to start than review the New Years Knitting Resolutions I made in January 08……uhhhhhhh, well? How I did? Or how I didn’t!

I was committed to using up my stash and reducing my UFO’s in half. From my Ravelry page, I see I finished about 17 projects. Only two of these were from my original list, one of these, was finished during the Ravelolympics. Perhaps I should commit to knit more UFO’s at the next one. I created 14 additional UFO’s over the year. Needless to say, I was inspired to knit, but not so inspired to stay on project. There were just too many new exciting things to try and learn.

Some finished objects in 2008:
UFOs to finish in 2009:

On my behalf, I can say that I really tried to knit my stash this year. I bought less yarn and tried to use it up. Hats were a great stash buster. I have a lot of one skeins or small amount of handspun that were perfect for hats or calorimetry head bands. I wonder how many hats or head bands my stash would make. Possibly hundreds. Hats were my friend in passenger car rides and while watch movies in movie theatre, yes in the dark. I didn’t mind the repetion of the stockinette on these projects.

So what will I do this year. I need to recommit. Perhaps making a goal to finish one UFO a month is more reasonable. Do I dare start anything new? Or maybe a rule that I have to finish a UFO before I start something new.

My time is becoming more scarce and valuable. Now that my granddaughter is bigger, I want to spend more time with her. The chance to take her places is something her other grandmother cannot do, but I can. I cannot knit when watching my granddaughter as she demands my full attention. I’ll have to save that knitting time for my morning and evening quiet time, when trying to wake up or wind down from the days activities.

I cannot say the year was totally wasted in regards to knitting. Successes: I finished a sampler vest within my deadline. I made a hemlock blanket. I learned how to better understand and do my SSK and K2tog in Eastern Uncrossed Style. I have received many comments how my way of knitting is easier and faster from having posted some You-tube videos of my style. I learned how to better felt a knitted project. My spinning is better controlled and consistent. I can spin a decent fingerweight yarn. So much more to learn.........

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